
Song Stories #1
Since the “Greatest Hits?” album will be out next week, I thought I’d share a little bit about the new songs that are on there. Well first off the songs are old not new haha, and since I wanted to kind of bookmark this place in time after my first four albums, I decided to put some of my very first song writing attempts as bonus tracks.
Phineas Q – This song was actually written in 1993 in Austin, TX. I always had the riff laying around and about 10 years later I finished it, and 10 years after that it’s finally being released! Just an instrumental I put together to set a mood. As far as the title? You’ll have to figure that out on your own 😛
Kayla Can – Well what else can I say that the song doesn’t? The song was written for her when she was about 13 years old, and she has grown into an even more amazing person! It took about 20 minutes to write and she deserves every word that’s written about her!  I hope she’s happy it’s finally being released 😀
MeYou – Written about how I feel when I’m most happy. Playing guitar, being with animals, and reflecting on how great this life is! She was the most beautiful girl dog and her name was MeYou 🙂 I miss her to this day, but I will see her on the Rainbow Bridge 🙂 I also had to put a nod to one my favorite songs of all time!
BRG – Just a little tribute to two of my best friends that I grew up with every summer. Dreaming, playing music, living out our rockstar fantasies of one day being onstage together and “making it”. Those times mean the world to me and so do those guys! If you know me, or them, you know what the letters in the title stand for 😉
Heaven Inside – Written while sitting on the pier at Charlotte Beach in my hometown, with my best friends from high school. I played a riff, while Mr. Chris Gause just started singing off the top of his head, and this is what came out. A little ditty about our faith 🙂