
New Album – The Nashville E.P.
Where have I been?? Well funny you should ask! When the summertime comes I head North with my pooch to bask in the warm sunshine of my favorite place on Earth! My own personal “Streets With No Names” place 🙂 But I have been writing a lot and now that we’re back to a normal schedule, that means time to get back to recording…finally!! I have a new album coming out in early November called “The Nashville E.P.” An album I wrote this summer using the Nashville Tuning. My friend, brother, producer, listener of all my crazy stories, and the one who always helps me keep my head on straight, Mike Flanagan turned me on to this tuning and I started messing around with it. Before you know it I had 9 pieces of music written. Then I threw together a cover of my favorite song of all time and boom, a new album! It’s mostly instrumental with two new vocal songs, and it came out great! I recorded and mixed it in two days with Kenny Lewis at Mixed Emotions and I hope you enjoy the songs! As always thank you so much for your support and of course Play Loud!!!! 🙂 Peace, RB